Monday, January 10, 2011

IUI #4

IUI #4...check! We stared last week with a mid-cycle ultrasound...things looked good, but not good enough to give me the trigger shot in the office. Um, excuse me! You expect me to stick myself??? I don't think so!!! If you read my post yesterday, you know how much I hate, yes HATE, rollercoasters. Well, my hatred for those fast moving, make you wanna throw-up death traps are nothing compared to my fear of needles! And now I have to give myself a shot!
Thankfully, we have quite a few nurses at our church, so after the horrible Wednesday night we had, I went to my friends house, sat in Ben's lap (this ensured proper fat roll accommodations for the needle to enter:)), and squeezed his hand so tightly he actually said "ouch"....oops...praise the Lord, the anticipation of the pain I just knew I would feel was way worse than the needle...I barely felt it! This is so encouraging to me, especially if we have to do it again. Friday morning came and it was time for the IUI. The doc said things could not have been more perfect-I have heard that before. My temp was just right, I had not ovulated yet (which is good) and all of Ben's guys were doing their job to a T!!!
I spent the rest of the afternoon laying around and Ben took such great care of me...he truly is amazing! Now we wait, AGAIN! Because of the trigger shot, I cannot test early...I am bummed, but it's probably for the best. A friend told me yesterday to drink pineapple juice to help with implantation, so of course, we promptly headed to the store to buy the biggest jug of pineapple juice available:)
I don't know what is going to happen this month, only God knows, but through all of this, God is drawing me closer to Him in a way I have never been before. I still struggle, I still get mad at Him, but I love Him more deeply than ever. He has already given me so much-a supportive and amazing husband, family and friends who care...I am blessed more than I deserve and I know a baby would just solidify that fact even more!

Well I am headed home to help Ben write the curriculum for our D-Now weekend...I am hoping I can share some of his book on here. I think your husbands (and you also) would find it both hilarious but so true to the pain that some of you are feeling. I pray each of you has a wonderful Monday...I off to drive in the snow!!!


  1. Stopping by to pass along some love and encouragement. I've been on that rollercoaster and begged to get off, but stayed the course. We did IUI as well and it proved successful. The hormonal aspects are awful so hang in there.

    Wishing you great success! Just BELIEVE in that miracle :) Sending you loads of baby dust topped with a BIG HUG.

  2. Sending prayers your way and hoping for exciting news!

  3. Good luck!!!!!

    Much love,
    Future Mama
