Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey friends,
I am curious if any of you have had the HSG procedure done...if so, can you tell me about it? I want nitty gritty details so I am at least somewhat prepared. Also, my doctor said there could be an additional fee for a radiologist to read the results...did that cost a ton extra on top of the procedure?
Just trying to do my homework:)
Thanks for any help you can offer!!!


  1. I had my HSG done a few weeks ago on Jan.4. First of all, let me say that it was not nearly as awful as what I anticipated and I was pretty nervous about it. I don't know all of the "medical" terms for everything, but I'll describe it to you as best I can. I was allowed to keep my top on, but bottoms off (of course). It was similar to a pap smear. They insert a tube and insert the dye. It literally takes seconds. The most uncomfortable part for me was when the dye is realeased into the tubes. I wouldn't describe it as painful, but very uncomfortable. I also took Motrin about an hour before the procedure. I had some mild cramping for a few hours, but it wasn't even as severe as my period cramps. Just a teeny tiny bit of spotting as well. Please also know that my doctor said that it effects patients differently. (A disclaimer in case your experience is different from mine). I received a bill from the radiology department today for $71. If nothing else, I was relieved to have it done and over with and to have ruled out one more aspect of this crazy thing called infertility. I hope this helps you in some way. I pray that you are doing better! Sending lots of love your way!

  2. I had an SHG, very much like the HSG, only the uterus is explored rather than the tubes. At any rate, it wasn't bad at all, just a little uncomfy, but was over quickly. I took 2 advil before I went and that helped.

    Also, a dear friend had the HSG and said it was not painful...she took 2 advil before as well. She did have some light cramping, as did I.

    My opinion is to go in with a clear mind thinking its not going to be painful and relax as much as possible, as I think that is key. Also, if they insert the dye slowly that helps. Tell the radiologist right away if you you're hurting.

    Many HUGS

  3. Alright, my turn. My HSG was a couple years ago. The other ladies are right, it really didn't hurt. My doc gave me something a little stronger than Motrin and it was fun ;). It's very cool to watch your uterus on the screen. I took a very long nap afterwards and was just a little sore, kinda like a pap. Also, mine was $475-ish (yes, sucky - no insurance) but my doc read it right there so no one else needed. Very easy procedure, not worth worrying about love. Chin up. You'll be fine.
