Monday, October 17, 2011

still waiting...weekend recap

  Our weekend, which starts when we leave the office on Thursday, was great! Thursday evening, Ben took me to a mexican restaurant on the lake, which unfortunately, is almost dry due to the drought. The sunset was still beautiful, and it was so much fun to have an official date night that I had been looking forward to for a few weeks! We followed dinner with some shopping for a phone cover...we had pre-ordered our iphones and knew we wanted a solid case on them ASAP! We didn't find one for me, but it was still fun just to be out on a Thursday night instead of already in our pj's on the couch (which I still enjoy immensely!). We tried to go to the movies, but since we had not looked up the times, we missed all of them. We rented a redbox instead, which was just as great...especially since I could push pause every few minutes to go to the bathroom!
  Friday was kind of low key...we ate lunch out, came home and watched our movies and just spent time loving each other. I was having strong contractions that morning, but then they stopped-NO FUN!!! Ben went to do some birthday shopping that night, so I decided I would try several more at home things to induce didn't work...haha!
  We had planned on sleeping in on Saturday, then going to our friends house to watch the OSU game. Before leaving, Ben said they called and asked if we would get some ice. Ben suggested just getting some from church since it was on the way. We stopped by there, and much to my surprise, he had planned a surprise party for me in the youth building!!! I truly thought we had walked in on someone else's party, and thought we needed to get out before they came so they could have their surprise. It took  me some time to realize it was for me! haha! It was so much fun, and I am so thankful for the love and support of so many people.
   Sunday was great! Church is always so wonderful:) We went to lunch with some friends, and my contractions came back STRONG! They were 6 minutes apart on the way home, and once again, I thought that was it! Much to my dismay, I layed on the couch and they went away again:( It is frustrating, because they hurt, and my doctor has said more than once that she would be surprised if we made it to our due date. I want Lincoln in as long as he needs to be, but am selfishly very ready to meet him!!!
  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I am still hoping we meet our little one this week!

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