With all that I previously wrote about, God was so good to show Himself to me in such a sweet way today. I went to breakfast with a friend/co-worker, and Ben went to a high school assembly for some students. I texted when I got back, and he told me to join him in the youth building. I figured he was trying to get away so he could study his lesson for tonight. When I walked in, I couldn't help but cry. He had made a playlist and was by himself just simply worshiping God at the top of his lungs. The first thought I had was, WOW, our baby is going to grow up with a daddy who loves to be in the presence of the One who made him or her! I came in close to the end, but got to worship for a few songs.
We decided that we should do it again this afternoon, so we told the staff, and just simply had youtube worship videos blaring, and all came together to praise our Father! IT WAS AMAZING!!! When we were done, our worship leader started talking about the story in the Bible where David spoke of worshiping without stopping. They are going to make a playlist and have worship playing 24/7 around our church. I am so excited about what God is doing in our lives personally, and we are fervently praying for God to do something incredible in our church!
P.S. I am 12 weeks along today...I am not quite sure if this is the end of the first trimester and the start of the second, or if that comes at week 13...I don't really care about that...I am just thankful to still have a few symptoms (exhaustion, nausea), because I am trusting that means Ziggy is still growing!
You are in your second trimester now! :) Welcome to bliss and enjoy this trimester! It's one of the best because you feel great, you pop and look pregnant instead of feeling fat, find out what your baby is, and feel the first kick all in one trimester. It's great! :)