Wow! I can't believe I am blogging again! After I "stepped in stupid", as my mom told me, I had decided not to blog anymore. After this morning, I just couldn't help myself!
You see, I babysit a little girl who is 9 months old. It has turned into a much larger "babysitting job" than originally agreed to, but because I am not big on confrontation or talking much about my thoughts (which is why I LOVE blogging), I have let it become this monster (the job not the baby:))
Anyways, her dad drops her off pretty early-7am-which is ridiculously early for me! When he brings her in today, he tells me that he changed her diaper before leaving, but on the 20 min drive to my house, she decides to make a bit of a mess in her diaper. Thinking we caught it early, I thought no big deal. Upon further review, it seems she has had a blow-out...all over her, her clothes, her carseat, etc. Now, typically, and I don't understand this, they do not pack extra clothes for her (even though I have told them this is pretty typical for her), but dad happened to have an outfit in his car-yea!!! So after he hurries off to work, I begin to change baby. I have her standing up and supporting her with one hand, while trying to get the diaper off with the other...i successfully remove the diaper (she is standing on a towel since I am not a mother and that is the best I can do for a changing table). As soon as the diaper comes off, I hear a splattering noise...turns out she decided not to pee until she could land it on my rug!!! So I pick her and the towel up and rush to the sink.
As I am traveling from living room to kitchen, I look over to see that apparently dad had stepped in the lovely red clay dirt that Oklahoma has to offer and it is all over our semi-new carpet! FREAK OUT TIME!!! Ben was with 2 students at breakfast so I was left to deal with the poop, pee, mud, and a whiny dog! After getting her cleaned, diapered and clothed again, I threw her dirty ones in the wash and went for the carpet. I think I got it out but will be borrowing a friends steam cleaner tonight!
After this, it was time for her to eat...big surprise that she had to sneeze with a mouth full of cereal! After cleaning myself up, I went to put her leftovers in the fridge, which of couse fell, broke and splattered all over the floor. When Ben called to let me know he was on his way home, I wanted to be mad at him for leaving me with the mess. When he walked in and I started my story, I could tell he was holding back his laughter...I was glad because we were both able to laugh:)
I am so thankful she is generally a good napper...going on hour4 now! Still no baby for us, but more hopeful than ever:)